Timothy Christopher Mara: A Comprehensive Look Into the Mara Family Legacy

Timothy Christopher Mara: A Comprehensive Look Into the Mara Family Legacy

The article delivered all authentic and possible information about the most important figure of Mara family Timothy Christopher Mara. In this comprehensive writing we will aim to provide a detailed account of Timothy Christopher Mara life and career undergoing his dedication for NFL we will have to discuss that who is Timothy Christopher Mara and then early life and detailed account of his professional endeavours, net worth and personal life. We will have to reveals the various aspects of Timothy Christopher Mara’s dedication and understanding the essence of his journey.

Introduction To Timothy Christopher Mara

In this first section we will aim to explore the personality of Timothy Christopher Mara has. Timothy Christopher Mara is famous for his major contribution football scout. At the same time Timothy Mara vice president of New York football team. Timothy Christopher Mara has well known in front of world being a father of two legendary figures in the Hollywood, Rooney Mara and Kate Mara. Once he played Zoe Burns in the House of Cards a famous TV series Timothy Christopher Mara’s wife McNulty Rooney.

What Is Total Estimated Net Worth Of Timothy Christopher Mara

Timothy Christopher Mara as we have above discuss that a vice president of New York football team NFL. His total estimated net worth near about $50 million. Additionally as a member of NFL he got $180,000 to $200,000 yearly. While his daughters Kate Mara and Rooney Mara gather $26 million by their hard work and keenness.


Early Life And Family Background

Now we will mainly focuses on Timothy’s early life and background. Timothy Christopher born on 11th of March, since 1957. Timothy’s birth place are Wellington, Ammara.  Timothy’s father was the share holders of NFL in the New York since 1959. Although his mother was American celebrity and iconic personality. Timothy has been 11 siblings. They all shared love and dignity towards each other and have a strong bond.

Professional Career And The Role Of NFL

Here we will explore professional life of Timothy Christopher and NFL role in his life. There is no exact details delivered about his professional life just mentioned that he is the owner of NFL after his father death.

Timothy Christopher Mara has low profiled figure as compared to Mara family. He was the vice president of NFL of the New York Giants. The whole family of Mara has been well known to their contribution in sports and business. Timothy Christopher Mara sustain the tradition that reflects the giants of football team.

Personal Life And Family Relationship

Timothy Christopher Mara has been married Kathleen McNulty Looney. Meanwhile his wife McNulty prefer private life. His wife a real estates agent. The time when Timothy’s father died on February, 1959, he took the control on NFL as an American scout and vice president of NFL. They had four children two boys and two daughters. His daughter Rooney Mara and Kate Mara has successfully career as an actresses.